These are pictures of the Dutch prisoner-of-war(POW) camp from 1942-1945. The photos were taken by the Japanese for propaganda.
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Among the buildings shown are sheds made of bamboo. There were two areas having six sheds; the other one, five. Up to 100 people lived in each shed. Almost 2000 women and children lived in this camp. Wells that provided water for bathing, washing, etc. are located between the sheds. Other small buildings next to the wells were used as meeting places. Latrines were located behind the sheds and the dining areas were located at the front of the sheds. Covered walkways connected these areas. A canal was in front. A school building was also located in front of the camp. The theater was located between the sheds along with the sewing centers. The camp commandant lived in a concrete house at the end of the drive up from the gate. Additional housing was also made of concrete.